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I'm Young

Thanks a lot my lovely God for everything that you’ve given to me during 2012. My age was 22 before, and right now I’m 23 years old. There were a lot of experiences and lessons that I got. However, it was a good or bad experience. A good experience taught me to say thanks to Allah, and a bad experience showed me that was it good or bad for me. I got everything that I wanted last year. I’ve got my practical field experience at SMA N 4 Bukittingi, it was really a nice moment. I was happy when I went to Duri, I’ve met my old friends there. I loved someone, and I got my seminar proposal.
I don’t realize that I’m 23 years old now..Wowww, I’m not teenager anymore. Age can’t lie. However, many people say that I have baby face, cute, and I’m still young like a senior high school student (yang baca ini, please jangan syirik :P). Actually I can’t accept this age. I don’t want to be aging. Being older will be adult, won’t you?. If people look us as adult woman, they will ask “when will you get marriage?” (My neighbor at Duri always asks this question if I’m there), it’s like a bully verbal. I hate that question. I just answer it with a smile. Twenty three years old are still young to get marriage. For me my self, I’ll get marriage when I’m 28 years old. Earlier marriage is not my passion. I wanna be free for 5 years later; I wanna do what I wanna do. On the other hand, most of my friends have got marriage while they are 22 years old. Every body has different planning in their life. Therefore, it was ok for them to get marriage earlier.
I have many plans in 23 years old, so many plans that I can’t mention here.  I hope during this year, everything runs well..AMIN  


  1. Nice u`R inspiration....
    note : life is like riding bicycle. to stay balance, you should keep moving....

    Good Luck!!!...

    I wanna be Free for 5 Years later ( like That )

  2. yes,u're is never's like the is full of color :D


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